Dell Poweredge R420 Serial Number Location

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We are performing remote inventories with Altiris on Dell servers. Some of the replys back give us an asset tag others do not. Some inventories give us a serial number and very long computer ID. Frister Rossmann Overlocker Manual. You might have come across Dell PowerEdge servers being reffered to by their generation to cover a range of models. How to identify which generation your Dell PowerEdge server belongs to. The names now generally consist of a letter followed by three numbers (ex: PowerEdge R710).

We are performing remote inventories with Altiris on Dell servers. Some of the replys back give us an asset tag others do not. Some inventories give us a serial number and very long computer ID. I need to verify the warranty information on these servers.

Is there a way to find the asset tag or warranty eligability from the serial number or computer ID that Altiris is providing us with. Just got off of a Dell chat with tech support online. They were not able to help me without an asset tag. Am looking for other options and suggestions. It's Monday and I am getting back as promised. The Dell asset tag can be found under system information and/or the properties of the computer. If you remote desktop, just right click 'my computer' and click on properties or go to start>>Programs>>Accessori es>>System Tools>>System information. Install Water Softener Without Loop on this page.

Dell Poweredge R420 Serial Number Location

There is a catch. You have to have the dell help utilities installed on the dell machine.

Dell installs these by default. I am at my dell machine and elected not to have the Dell utilities installed. So, I can not verify the above information. I hope this helps. I added a bit of code to send the results to a txt file. On error resume next strComputer=InputBox ('Enter the computer name of the server you'd like to query for Service Tag') Set objWMIservice = GetObject('winmgmts: ' & strComputer & ' root cimv2') set colitems = objWMIservice.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_BIOS',,48) Set objFS = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set objNewFile = objFS.CreateTextFile('fsoutput.txt') For each objitem in colitems objNewFile.WriteLine 'Dell Service Tag: ' & objitem.serialnumber objNewFile.Close Wscript.write 'Dell Service Tag: ' & objitem.serialnumber Next Select all.