Install Water Softener Without Loop

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My Ps Partner Full Movie Eng Sub Download. We had a water softener installed by Ameriflow for Lowe's. When we purchased the water softener through Lowe's, they said Ameriflow would come out and add a loop (as we didn't have one) by putting a small hole in our storage room near the water heater to add the additional plumbing to create the loop.

A soft water system can’t be installed without a water softener loop. Is My House Ready for a Water Softener. Install their own water softener loop.

Install Water Softener Without Loop

We had a water softener installed by Ameriflow for Lowe's. When we purchased the water softener through Lowe's, they said Ameriflow would come out and add a loop (as we didn't have one) by putting a small hole in our storage room near the water heater to add the additional plumbing to create the loop, and possibly some trenching. Ameriflow came out yesterday, and instead they ran a copper pipe up from the front spigot - so we have a copper pipe up the front of our lovely house and it's hideous, not to mention a target for criminals. They didn't tell us anything before they installed it this way, they just did it.

We also don't know where the drain pipe goes, as it's not in the laundry room as they said it would be. We called and told them this was not how they said they would be installing it. Ameriflow says that's how it is typically installed and if we want it re-done it'll cost another $700. Lowe's is in the middle, but it sounds like they're going to side with Ameriflow because Ameriflow refuses to eat the costs of re-installing it the way it should have been. Does anyone know if this is how a water softener would typically be installed in the southwest? Are there any good guides or web sites I can show Lowe's as proof this is not typical and give them evidence to re-do it? Dizionario Ceco Italiano Pdf Download.

We're just so unhappy to have a copper pipe running up the front of our new house, and we are afraid of criminals stealing it. We could paint it, but it's still a pipe there none the less and painting would cost more money we didn't expect to spend. Best Answer: did you pay them yet? If so, if you paid by credit card call the card company and contest the charges. This will force a discussion where you will have some leverage. Running a pipe up the outside of a house from the outside water spigot is a pathetic way to plumb a water softener and everyone with any experience knows that.

So what you have is a company that took the easiest possible method to get water to your system. Call corporate headquarters and tell them that you will be contacting your local news organization that does consumer protection stories on TV and the name Ameriflow will be all over the news as a place that does really crappy work unless they get someone over to your house and do it right this time for no extra charge. That should get it resolved. Did you get anything in writing? You can call the Better Business Bureau - but if their not a member it's not going to do any good. I could not find any sites that show anything.

Did someone from Lowe's and look at this before hand or where they assuming that was the way Ameriflow was going to do it. Do you have a good Attorney that could make a couple of phone calls to Lowe's and Ameriflow to put some pressure on them about a law suit? I would definitely try to pressure Lowe's since it's their contractor. The job was not done the way Lowe's said it should have been! • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed.

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