If you want to buy this domain, you will have to wait until, its last renewal is on according to information on. This whois server first recorded domain on. Domain belongs to. If you transfer this domain, keep in mind all this data will reset. Older domains have more advantage than new ones. One of the most important criterias about a website success, is Alexa rank.
It is based on some statistical data collected by Alexa toolbar. This website is ranked 31117 on Alexa. The value increases while rank decreases.
An informative illustration of issues of privacy versus transparency comes from the introduction of a Swedish Website called Ratsit.se. This website began to publish detailed financial information about Swedish citizens, obtained from the National Tax Board. Sweden has a tradition of openness about the earnings of its. Salary snooping steps up in transparent Sweden. A controversial Swedish website famed for providing the incomes of almost every adult in Sweden is launching a quarterly report that will also list people's credit histories. Snoop site under investigation. Click here to start your job search.
Hey there, Anyone know how i can remove my information from these sites? I don't want my Phone Number, Address and my employment information searchable on Google. My wife tells me i am paranoid, but having stuff like my household income searchable alongside my personal telephone is not ok to me and a invasion of my privacy. Sweden is legitimately the only country i know which does it.
This comes because acording to EU law data protection which grant extra precautions for personal information online. The law was paseed ob May 23th 2016. To remove your information from hitta you use this link: And then you write your name and number and click on 'Ta bort' (=Remove) You also need to contact your tele operator (Telia, Tele2, Telenor, Comviq, Halebop etc) and make your number secret.
Often you can do that if you log in on their webpages. I don't think you can get removed from Ratsit though, because they get their info from Skatteverket, and I think there has to be a serious threat against you, to get your info a secret there. But you can call Skatteverket and ask them: 0771-567 567. This comes because acording to EU law data protection which grant extra precautions for personal information online. The law was paseed ob May 23th 2016. () The 1995 EU Data Protection Directive was not mandatory, Sweden had public information issues with it so did not implement everything. Another example would be the UK which actually has tougher data protection law than the EU proposed back then so didn't implement.
I suspect you are referring to the new EU General Data Protection Directive, which was published in draft in 2012, adopted recently, and an EU wide compliance date approx. End May 2018 (25th I think? Formz Mac Crack. ).
Download Free Software Ward Kendall Hold Back This Day Pdf Merge. Sweden's Government has commissioned an investigation into required legislation changes (and challenges) with regards the new Directive, that investigation is due to report latest in May 2017. It is only after that will we begin to see any formulation of legislation and what consequences will be. It should be interesting.