Luger Serial Number
Thanks to both of you, now! Mrerick on the first picture the serial is 84XX with a 'U'. Does that mean there was up to 10,000 made in the 'A' suffix and up to 10,000 in the 'B' suffix, etc, etc? Still on the first picture there is a number on the bottom of the barrel, 2860 with a 'N'. Would this barrel be for luger serial number 2860 N or what? Also guys I broke an ejector today firing my lugers.
Where would be a good place to purchase a replacement and should I look out for something when I do get one? Does one ejector fit all? It depends on the manufacturer, but generally that is how the military serial numbers are sequenced. I don't have my books here, but I believe that one of the Imperial manufacturers may have started over with each new year. I know that this happened with one of the P.38 manufacturers.
The 1920 dated and double dated rework Lugers (DWM and Erfurt) are in the 'Lugers - DWM Commercial 1898-1929' Gallery. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are. Waffenfabrik Bern Luger Identification Guide. Parabellum - 3 7/8'-4' barrel. Many thousands produced, 1 to 5 digit serial with letter. Sep 07, 2010 I have a 1917 P08 Long Barrel German Luger (Monogram of DWM on gun) in good to fair condition with all matching serial numbers (5359 serial.
Ratsit on this page. The first 10,000 would have run from 1 to 10,000 with no letter suffix (ns). Then 1a would have followed through 10000a.
Then 1b through 10000b. The barrel (and possibly the entire receiver which should have the numeric portion of the s/n on it's left side if it's a military receiver) don't match the frame on pistol 1.
The 2860n was made for another pistol with a frame s/n 2860n. Tide Times Uk Download there. There are two receiver/frame lengths. The length depends on the period/model of the Luger.
I think that the ejector length is the same on both, but this needs to be verified. Tom Heller (LugerDoc on this forum) often can help provide these parts. I'd get in touch with him. Still on the first picture there is a number on the bottom of the barrel, 2860 with a 'N'. Would this barrel be for luger serial number 2860 N or what? Also guys I broke an ejector today firing my lugers.
Where would be a good place to purchase a replacement and should I look out for something when I do get one? Does one ejector fit all?Yes, the barrel is from another luger, making that one a mismatch. You said you broke a retractor shooting luger(s) is the other one matching?
Which one did you break? 75 year old small parts are the first to show metal fatigue, if one of your guns is complete and matching you may want to put it away and shoot the mismatch. Each luger should have the serial on the side, the frame and the barrell and they should be the same all three places. Only the frame will bear the suffix letter.
More photos of all the numbers and proofs and the complete serials on both would help people better comment on what you have.