Transparent Electronics Seminar Report Free Download

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Transparent Electronics Seminar Report Free Download

Transparent electronics • 1. Capable of transmitting light so that objects or images canbe seen as if there were no intervening materialORAn element so fine in texture that it can be seen through • The branch of physics thatdeals with the emission andeffects of electrons and withthe use of electronic devices • Transparent electronics is anemerging technology that employswide band-gap semiconductors forthe realization of invisible circuits.This monograph provides the firstroadmap for transparentelectronics, identifying where thefield is, where it is going, and whatneeds to happen to move it forward. • Our motive is to create a technology that iselectrically conductive and with that it isoptically transparent.Researchers at Oregon State University andHewlett Packard have reported their firstexample of an entirely new class of materialswhich could be used to make transparenttransistors that are inexpensive, stable, andenvironmentally benign. • Earth being the mother nature providesus with resources that can conductelectricallyAnd can be seen optically transparentthis means that the elements orcompoundsAbsorb all the colors in the givenspectrum and does not reflect any. • Efficient transparent conductors find their niche in acompromise between a sufficient transmission within the visible spectral range and a moderate butuseful in practice electrical conductivity. Thiscombination is achieved in several commonly usedoxides – In2O3, SnO2, ZnO and CdO.

In the undopedstoichiometric state, these materials are insulators withoptical band gap of about 3 eV. • Transparent conductors are neither 100% opticallytransparent nor metallically conductive. From the bandstructure point of view, the combination of the twoproperties in the same material is contradictory: atransparent material is an insulator which possessescompletely filled valence and empty conduction bands;whereas metallic conductivity appears when the Fermilevel lies within a band with a large density of states toprovide high carrier concentration. • The device building block materials, the semiconductor, the electriccontacts, and the dielectric/passivation layers, must now be transparentin the visible –a true challenge! Therefore, the first scientific goal of thistechnology must be to discover, understand, and implement transparenthigh-performance electronic materials. The second goal is theirimplementation and evaluation in transistor and circuit structures. Thethird goal relates to achieving application-specific properties sincetransistor performance and materials property requirements vary,depending on the final product device specifications.

• During the past 10 years, the classes of materialsavailable for transparent electronics applicationshave grown dramatically. Historically, this areawas dominated by transparent conducting oxides(oxide materials that are both electricallyconductive and optically transparent) because oftheir wide use in antistatic coatings, touch displaypanels, solar cells, flat paneldisplays, heaters, defrosters, ‘smart windows’and optical coatings. • The band structure point of view, the combination ofthe two properties in the same material iscontradictory: a transparent material is an insulatorwhich possesses completely filled valence and emptyconduction bands; whereas metallic conductivity appearswhen the Fermi level lies within a band with a largedensity of states to provide high carrier concentration. • A transparent conducting oxide (TCO), these TCO hosts mustbe degenerately doped to displace the Fermi level up into theconduction band. The key attribute of any conventional n-typeTCO host is a highly dispersed single free electron- likeconduction band.

Degenerate doping then provides both.(i) the high mobility of extra carriers (electrons) due to their small effective mass and(ii) low optical absorption due to the low density of states in the conduction band. • Passive linear TTFT devices • Transparent thin-film resistors(TTFRs) are expected to operate atrelatively low frequencies, so thatparasitic inductance is not anticipatedto be relevant. Additionally, TTFRswill most likely be fabricated oninsulating substrates, so that parasiticcapacitance should be minimal.Finally, if properly designed, a TTFRis expected to exhibit linear or verynear-linear behavior.

Thus, in mostrespects, we expect a TTFR to be • The TTFC capacitance is established by the capacitancedensity, i.e., the capacitance per unit area, of the basiccapacitance stack, i.e., εS/dI, and the geometric area of thecapacitor layout. Usually a large capacitance density is desired, inorder to minimize the size of a capacitor. Therefore, a thininsulator with a high dielectric constant (sometimes referred to as a‘high-k dielectric,where ‘k’ denotes the relative dielectricconstant) is best. However, a high-k dielectric typically has asmaller band gap, which usually results in a low breakdown electricfield • TTFIs will possess a significantamount of parasitic resistance.Second, efficient magneticfield coupling is stronglyfacilitated by the use of amagnetically-permeableinsulator. However, we are notaware of atransparent, magnetically- • TTFTs constitute the heart of transparent electronics. The firsttwo sections focus on ideal and non-ideal behavior of n-channel TTFTs. Mannathi Mannan Tamil Mp3 Free Download.

Next, n-channel TTFT stability is considered. Finally, issues related to alternative device structures – double-gate TTFTs and the realization of p-channel TTFTs – are discussed. • Actual applications have been reported exploitingthe transparency of TAOSs until now. Transparentcircuits will have unprecedented applications inflat panel displays and other electronic devices,such as see through display or novel displaystructures. Here, practical examples takingadvantage of the transparency of TAOS TFTs are:Reversible Display,‘Front Drive’ Structure for ColorElectronic Paper, Color MicroencapsulatedElectrophoretic Display, Novel Display Structure –Front Drive Structure. Indiumoxide nanowiremesh as well as indium oxide thin films were usedto detect different chemicals, including CWAsimulants.