Brillouin Science And Information Theory Pdf Printer
Mathematically, a system’s information content can be quantified by the so-called information entropy H, introduced by Claude Shannon in 1948. The larger the information entropy, the greater the information content. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, U.
Illinois Press (1963). Consider the simplest possible information-storage device: a system with two distinct states—for example, up and down, left and right, or magnetized and unmagnetized. If the system is known with certainty to be in a particular state, then no new information can be gained by probing the system, and the information entropy is zero. In deriving his information entropy, Shannon took a cue from the second law of thermodynamics. As formulated by Rudolf Clausius in 1850, the second law is based on the empirical observation that spontaneous processes have a preferred direction.
Instance, cybernetics is relatively little used as an analytical tool in the social sciences. Information Theory. In his classic 1948 article and his 1949 book with Warren Weaver, Shannon confined his formulation of 'communications theory' (as he initially called it) to the problem of. Instructions from a driver.
Clausius, The Mechanical Theory of Heat, W. Browne, trans., MacMillan (1879). Everyone who’s left a cup of hot tea on a table has noted that heat flows spontaneously from a hotter body (the cup) to a colder one (the room) but never the other way around. Clausius characterized the irreversibility of such natural macroscopic processes by defining the thermodynamic entropy S, a quantity that, unlike energy, is not conserved and can only increase in isolated systems; it may decrease only in systems that exchange energy with the environment. That asymmetry imposes restrictions on the types of physical phenomena that are possible.
In 1851, for instance, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) devised an equivalent formulation of the second law that limits the amount of work that can be produced by a cyclic engine. The first hint of a connection between information and thermodynamics may be traced back to James Clerk Maxwell’s now-famous demon, 3. Rex, eds., Maxwell’s Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing, Institute of Physics (2003); M. Vitelli, Contemp. Mera Jeevan Kora Kagaz Instrumental Mp3 Free Download.
42, 25 (2001); K. 81, 1 (2009). Introduced in 1867.
The demon is an intelligent creature able to monitor individual molecules of a gas contained in two neighboring chambers, as shown in figure. Maxwell’s demon.
By detecting the positions and velocities of gas molecules in two neighboring chambers and using that information to time the opening and closing of a trapdoor that separates them, a tiny, intelligent being could, in theory, sort molecules by velocity. By doing so, it could create a temperature difference across the chambers that could be used to perform mechanical work. If the trapdoor is frictionless, the sorting requires no work from the demon himself, in apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics. (Image from ref. Rex, eds., Maxwell’s Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing, Institute of Physics (2003); M.
Vitelli, Contemp. 42, 25 (2001); K. 81, 1 (2009)., H. Initially, the two chambers are at the same temperature, defined by the mean kinetic energy of the molecules and proportional to their mean-square velocity. Some of the particles, however, travel faster than others. By opening and closing a molecule-sized trapdoor in the partitioning wall, the demon can collect the faster molecules in one chamber and the slower ones in the other.
The two chambers then contain gases with different temperatures, and that temperature difference may be used to power a heat engine and produce mechanical work. The proper resolution of the paradox wouldn’t come for another 115 years, but in 1929 a second thought experiment, contrived by Leo Szilard, provided crucial insight. Szilard’s take on the demon involves a gas consisting of just a single molecule. 53, 840 (1929).
The wall separating the identical chambers is replaced by a movable piston, held in place with a pin. The result is a two-state system analogous to a bit: Initially, the particle occupies each chamber with probability one-half. By looking into the container, the demon acquires information about the actual state of the system. If the molecule is found in the left chamber, the demon attaches a weight to the left side of the piston, as illustrated in figure, and releases the pin. As the gas expands, the piston is pushed rightward and the weight is pulled upward against gravity.
If the molecule is found in the right chamber, the weight is attached to the right-hand side of the piston. Canon Dslr Photo Editing Software Free Download more.