Avast Gadget For Windows 7 Free Download
Just writing to inform Avast that when my installation expires and it is time to decide whether or not I will continue use of this product (this is my 3rd or 4th year of use), before automatically re-installing, I will first consider other options as well (for the first time). This is due to the insidious installation of the Avast Windows 7 desktop gadget that I did not request, but which apparently comes automatically packaged with the newest Avast installation. It is annoying to no end and required 1/2 hr of my time wasted in order to find out how to remove it (no option other than Control Panel ->Change!), then restart my computer (!). Very disappointed Avast would sneak this annoyance into its installation. Baixar Livros Cristaos Epub on this page. Active Boot Disk Latest Version Iso 13485 here. Update: Using the Control Panel ->Change Installation (Windows 7 Pro 64-bit) option, I removed the desktop gadget option from installation. On restart, it was not uninstalled or removed! More time wasted and my opinion of Avast falls further.
How to use and customize Desktop Gadgets in Windows Vista and 7. Free anti-virus programs. Windows 7 version of the Gadget looks up your.
As I said before, this is an unrequested annoyance. If I am unable to easily remove the desktop gadget, I will uninstall Avast, and next time, I will definitely reconsider whether or not I want to go with a company that attaches annoyances such as this to their installations. I tried this method first. However, in my version of Windows (Win 7 Pro 64-bit), Avast does not appear in the list of gadgets, so unable to uninstall by this method. This is one reason for it being an annoyance.
Other reasons: The gadget was not properly announced or explained on installation. No 'Options' list comes with the gadget (e.g. When right-clicked). I had to do an internet search to find out how to uninstall it. - These are all hallmarks of spyware, malware, and/or trojans, not respected antivirus companies.