Algebra And Trigonometry Paul A Foerster Classic Edition

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Algebra And Trigonometry Paul A Foerster Classic Edition

In this text, algebra and trigonometry are presented as a study of special classes of functions. In the process, relationships betwen theory and real-world applications are thoroughly explored, bringing the material to life. Suitable for a second-year course, a trigonometry course, or a pre-calculus course.

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1998-05-01. MULTIPLE COPIES AVAILABLE!! Addison Wesley: Algebra and Trigonometry, Functions and Applications - Student Classic Edition [Hardcover]. Copyright-1998, ISBN. These books are in ACCEPTABLE condition with the interior pages and binding blocks intact, and VISIBLE wear and tear to the exterior covers! We ship daily, Mon-Sat.Customer service is always our top priority!

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Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1998-05-01. MULTIPLE COPIES AVAILABLE!! Addison Wesley: Algebra and Trigonometry, Functions and Applications - Student Classic Edition [Hardcover]. Copyright-1998, ISBN. These books are in GOOD/SOLID condition condition with the interior pages and bindings fully intact and only MODERATE wear to the exterior covers! We ship daily, Mon-Sat.Customer service is always our top priority!

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